My son goes to an alternative school that focuses on processes and not end results. They don't even give grades at this place. This is kind of ironic because it turns out my son is totally a results guy. The faster the better - get it done, move on. He comes by this honestly. I first realized that I was not a processes person when I got bored during the SATs and decided to make an argyle pattern on the fill-in-the-bubbles answer card. For the record, I FINISHED THE TEST BEFORE ANYONE ELSE. Ha!
This school had at first seemed like a great place for him, because a regular classroom would not have been stimulating enough for him. Today, however, the teacher called and said that he was crying in the classroom because he was overwhelmed. The teacher said that my son told him that he didn't understand what he was reading. Oh my heart. Why do these things happen on dad nights. I want to hold him so badly.
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