Today marked the start of my birthday month. Because I am turning 40, I'm taking the whole month. My husband got out of bed this morning, got dressed, went to Starbucks and got me a latte to celebrate the start of my month. We all know that lattes are the very best when fetched by one's husband. I might add, he doesn't drink coffee or tea or even get himself anything from Starbucks and he's not even Mormon.
I reserve the full right to brag annoyingly about my husband and my son. In case you haven't read any other post in this blog, I am at the trough of my career - so I am allowed to brag about the rest of it. Trust me, unless you work in the world's darkest cube and get asked by the Sunshine Committee to join them for a fun craft hour, your job is better than mine. You heard right. Craft hour. No I don't work at a preschool.
(When I said that I was going to try to go the extra mile at work, you can't hold me to that for any work hour that is not actually an hour of work.)
I think the "trough of my career" is technically known as the slough of despond.