Last Thanksgiving, after sticking the bird in the oven and waiting for the step-kids to come over, do you know what I did? I logged some billable hours. Do you know what I am not going to do this Thanksgiving? Log some billable hours. (And, yes, that's the good news.)
I have even logged billable hours on Christmas. So, all my dear associate attorney readers, let me put it to you this way - even if you bill all through the holidays, they may still lay off your ass come Spring. Relax. Enjoy.
But if I know associate attorneys like I know associate attorneys, they'll just go ahead and work. They will probably go in on Friday, Saturday and Sunday to make up for the Thursday. Do I miss living like that? Yea, I do. There's a kind of worker's high that comes along with being in that kind of a zone.
But this year - no billable hours. I am going to enjoy, with pure and utter blissful delight, watching the Broadway people lip-sync their numbers at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade while the crew from the Today Show natters on about something incomprehensibly inane, opening a bottle of red wine at 10:59 a.m., and, as per tradition, after the pies, putting on A Christmas Story to officially start the holiday season.
A big ol' "YEAH" to all your plans. Like idiots we planned to do the Turkey Trot. Then we came to our senses. Drinking coffee with Bailey's and trying madly to fix the goddamned broken Wii. Happy T-day to all who are lucky enough to share the holiday feast with you, dear girl.
ReplyDeleteI love you Jean.