I have never really had a title around this office. I gathered by the salary and the appointment to kitchen duty that I was not upper management, but other than that, I had no idea.
I started to get a sneaking suspicion that I might be an administrative assistant. Now, don't get me wrong. There is nothing the matter with being an administrative assistant. My mother was one and she is my hero. But my mother (1) wanted to be a secretary and (2) she did not have a law degree.
Last week, I was at a meeting about a new project that one of the VPs is managing. He said that he is going to need one of the administrative assistants to help him out. And he picked me.
Dear God. I have gone from being a senior associate at a big law firm to a secretary. This year I am back to putting Christmas on credit and having discussions with my husband about whether we can afford our house anymore.
Three years of law school. Plus one year for a masters of law. I am now, officially, an administrative assistant. (With 50K due to Sallie Mae for the law degree.)
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