I have a cavity. Oh the horror.
The last time I had a cavity filled, the dentist said that he was going to require me to take a second dose of tranquilizers before he could work on me. And I required that the video screens above the exam chairs be switched to my Journey's Greatest Hits DVD and for my husband to take me away for a long weekend afterward. I find anything to do with my mouth that stressful.
You would think that when you are on the every three month cleaning plan that cavities would not happen. Apparently, the every three month plan is not in lieu of flossing. As an added bonus, this cavity is next to an old crown, so while they are in there they are just going to go ahead and replace the crown. Just a small pre-Christmas two hour dental chair celebration.
This cavity might have something to do with the very large amount of sugar I consume. I do limit myself to only one flavored latte a day. (Only in the rarest of circumstances will I hit Starbucks twice in a twelve hour period.) After my latte, I switch to tea with honey. Okay, honestly, it's honey with tea. And there is a new cupcake place that opened up near our house and who doesn't love a cupcake. Only, I am allergic to wheat so I just eat the icing. Probably for someone who hates dental work as much as I do, I should cut back on the sugar. Or I suppose I could floss.
Here's a link for you: http://sonicare.factoryoutletstore.com/?cid=7122&chid=1&gclid=CLXqoP_-up4CFQO2sgod9FwymA
ReplyDeletePhilips Sonicare. Get the one with the cleaning gizmo. It doesn't mean you don't have to floss but it is the bomb. Do not use one of the cheapo toothbrushes that just go around and around. Bad. Get the Philips. It vibrates and jiggles and, frankly, takes some getting used to. Recommended by our dentist.