Today I am having a big funkorama. Today it is Funk Day in Funk Town.
Ninety-nine point nine percent of the time there is only one visitor to the Cube World stage at Funkapolooza. Today of all days, I, the Princess of Funk Town, like those odds. This is because (oh dear God it has come to this), I have really bad (and I mean horrific) gas. The curry soup I tried to make last night, the sinus and cold medication and the narcotic cough syrup have all blended together to create a downright toxic (perhaps poisonous) mixture.
Today, however, today of all days, mere seconds after a particularly hearty fart, the IT guy comes by to add something to my computer. We look at each and we both know - it cannot be ignored. He tells me he will come back.
Festivities in Funk Town are delayed until further notice due to air quality.
So there it is, the fart entry. For the record, I blogged for a whole half of a year before I went there. Anyway, the point is, I am in a supreme funk and it has nothing to do with the fact that I scared away the IT guy. Funk Town needs some serious fucking fireworks (other than the ones coming out my ass) to jolt me out of this funk.
I am sorry, we will not talk about gas again.
I witnessed your mother clearing a room in the same fashion. She, the doyenne of correctness and all things proper...and I think you were there!