My son was in the living room watching Worst Chefs in America. While I welcome any chance to bond with him, if I add any more reality t.v. to my current lineup, I'm just going to feel dirty. I guess I don't really watch that much. I watch the Real Housewives (all cities - but I am getting a bit tired of Atlanta), Million Dollar Listing and The City. (But that doesn't even really count because I just watch that for Olivia's jewelry. Oh and the feud between Olivia and Erin is delicious.) But that's it. And, of course, American Idol.
When my husband called last night, he asked if we were really going to take the time to watch American Idol this season. Take the time away from what? Our extensive schedule building houses for Habitat for Humanity? Cooking? Talking to real live human beings such as friends and relatives?
Anyway, I decided to watch a couple minutes of the Worst Chef show just to make sure, you know, that it was appropriate viewing for my son. For the very first show of the season, the contestants thought that they were supposed to make their very best dish for the judges. What they didn't know was that the judges were going to pick the very worst chefs to continue on in the competition.
This dear sweet attorney (laid-off attorney? How else would she have time to do the show?) placed her very best dish in front of the judges. She explained that it was her signature pasta and olive dish with . . . oh this is good . . . with "pineapples for crunch!"
She was so sincere about her pineapples that it was just priceless. (And, really, are pineapples crunchy? Water chestnuts - yes. Pine nuts - yes. Pineapples - not so much). But I do truly appreciate this girl and think she would be someone I could hang out with and share a few margaritas. With salt on the rim, for crunch!
I watch make-over shows for my "reality" fix. I've just started watching "Tabatha's Salon Takeover". She takes no prisoners. I find her exhilerating.