1. CT Scan results = sinusitis. Thanks to everyone for their love on that front.
2. I worked that seminar like my career depended on it. While only part of the seminar was about law, during that part I felt like myself. The law made me tired, the law took all my time, and I would obsess about ambiguous legal matters with an unhealthy passion, but that is the world I know. Perhaps it was not always a healthy existence, but that's where and how I knew how to function. I am a lawyer. That much I know.
3. I am also a mother and a wife - not always consistent with 2.
4. I thought Julie and Julia was an entertaining movie, the book a quick and okay read. But Cleaved, her second book, dear God the reviews were terrible. Hateful even. I had to read the book right away.
It is a lot of talk about turning carcasses into meat. If anatomy wasn't the class for you, forget about it.
But it is also a lot of talk about her affair. She has a husband and we don't really know much about him, but we know a lot about the other guy. If the affair was a wound, Julie writing this book is like her putting her finger in that open would - like her licking her finger, dipping it in salt, and then sticking her finger into that wound and poking and prodding around in that wound, and then taking her finger out and licking it again. Ouch.
However, after two books, she has finally convinced me. I think I do want to try liver.
I like liver and onions. I love onions. I would order onion fajitas if they would make them. I'm not going to make, you understand, because I don't like cleaning up the kitchen after frying happens.