Speaking of books, Undress Me in the Temple of Heaven is excellent. My softback copy has a quote by Oprah saying that the book in unputdownable. Somebody get the Scrabble dictionary. Is that a word? That sounds like something I would make up, but I expect better from Oprah.
Anyway, aside from the recommendation from the lady who liked A Million Little Pieces, this book is amazing. The book is about two Brown University college grads who backpack through China in 1986, right after it became open to independent backpackers. This is an absolutely fascinating book. It has never ever occurred to me to "backpack" or that such word should be a verb. And China isn't in the top three places I want to visit. But I loved this book. Get. I promise you will enjoy and be horrified all at the same time.
Triple word score. Thanks for the title, will check it out, always looking for a good book.