Sometimes I go to the gym during lunch. The reason I picked this particular gym is because each treadmill is attached to its own personal television. Brilliant.

First, I watch the Barefoot Contessa (Ina Garten). Most people watch CNN. I propose that this is for show and that they would rather be watching E. The Barefoot is so incredibly soothing. Her voice is like one of those pleasant meditation CDs. (I'm guessing. If I ever bought one, I would want it to have the voice of the Barefoot.) Upon hearing her, I immediately chill. I could listen to that voice for hours. And she makes cooking look so easy.

I am in my happy place after watching Barefoot but then OH BUT THEN comes Sandra Lee and her Semi-Homemade show and do you know what this woman does - SHE COORDINATES HER CURTAINS TO GO WITH HER DINNER THEME. I am no mental health expert but that is just plain psychotic. She needs meds big time. Seriously. On what planet in what universe does it ever occur to anyone to match their curtains to their dinner. This upsets me terribly and I am no longer in my happy place.
You clearly are far more sophisticated than I! (Even if you are are spending the evening picking out fabric swatches to match your meatloaf.) The last time I had a treadmill attached to a TV I watched 16 & Pregnant and The Jersey Shore. (Though in my defense, I don't have cable and just *had* to see what all the hype was about.)