And it was good. I'm a big fan of Peter Snaarrsgaard (I could actually get up and go across the room to get the DVD case to see how to properly spell that, but you know the guy - the one married to Maggie Gegenhaall.) And in my next life I am coming back as Carey Mulligan. (Without the blond pixie she is currently sporting. Already Done. See Michelle Williams.)

The movie was absolutely delicious - one of those ones you think about for the rest of the night. But was anybody else watching it thinking, "This is the same movie as Lying Eyes?" [the Lifetime classic with Cassidy Rae]
I'm pretty sure An Education is in my queue but I'll double check. I definitely want to see it. But I've had Up in the Air for over a month without watching it and am not sending it back until I do. Ugh. Stupid not-yet-set-up DVD player.