Stop me before I purchase at World Market again. David Rio Chai. Torani Sugar Free Almond Syrup. A little plastic polar bear that poops butterscotch jellybeans. Licorice Allsorts. Dear God I love the licorice allsorts. You have it on good authority here that black licorice is not a candy. It's a spice.
I was back there today at the request of my son. The other day I frothed the milk for his hot chocolate with my immersion blender. That gave him the idea that I could make him a vanilla steamer, if only I had vanilla syrup. Okay. Twist my arm. I'll go back to the food section at the World Market.
I did the World Market run on my lunch break after I went home and did the latin dance video. Two hour lunches. I have senioritis. Or, more applicable to my case, I-am-so-out-of-here-soonitis. Three good phone interviews and I have mentally and productively checked out. Oh, and also, another two hour lunch tomorrow for an in-person interview. Rock me Amadeus.
Happy New Year to you! Hope your 2011 has been wonderful, so far.