Somebody is paying me to practice exactly the type of law I want to practice without any billable hours to worry about. This afternoon I left before 5:00 so I could pick up my son and take him to the park.
Life is coasting. I'm not waiting for something to sort itself out or in the midst of any drama. I am simply living. My son is happy and healthy. He's an intense, unique little dude and I quite like him. My husband loves me. I don't doubt this. My girlfriend ordered everyone to her house for wine and cheese and girl time tomorrow. 

I know there is a ying and a yang. I know that there will be other dramas currently unknown that will rear their ugly little heads and throw kinks into our days. But for now, we are just living.
Also, here is a gratuitous Paul McDonald picture. I don't know why he looks like he has a black eye, but let's all admire the jacket. I know very few men who can pull that off. The picture is from I have never been to that link and cannot comment on whether you should go there. Rather, I merely lifted the picture from them off of google images. This side story does not bother my husband as he knows that he is the only tall blond musician for me. I would take the trumpet player over the lead signer any day, and I don't think Paul could pull off a searsucker jacket like my husband can. Really what I am saying is that Paul reminds me of my husband. Yeah. That's the ticket.
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