Also, I promised my son that if he ran two miles with me I would get him some lego. I am not above bribing. And he did. So there we were at the mall at the Lego mini figure kiosk FOR A VERY LONG TIME. Emphasis on the very long time. Because this is a big decision, you know, which Lego mini figure you will select. So I left him there but I didn't want to wander too far away. This left me wandering Talbots (again, I am too young) and Brighton. Oh Brighton. Brighton typically reminds me of middle class Dallas homemakers. Yet there I was. And I found this . . .
Dear God yes please. So a successful weekend was had by all.

In re White Trash Cooking . . . we've also been successful there. Indian Succotash is lima beans, corn and cream. Southern comfort food. Just the very reason I set off on this venture; that is, to find a recipe like that. I see many repeats of that dish in my future.
The Succotash sounds good! And I like your new lego, er, "find" :)