Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Mystery Bun
Friday, September 7, 2012
That being said, I love my Nespresso. What a fantastic little machine.
Also, my new favorite phrase is, "I smell like a chain smoking goat." That little gem comes from Honey Boo Boo's father.
And, finally, watching Pop Up Video. Whenever I catch the video for What's Going On I am always surprized by what the ladies look like. I don't know why. It was the grunge era. I always expected them to be . . . well, blonde.
It really sounds like I watch a lot of t.v., but I don't. Between the job, keeping the books for The Franchise, and having an 11 year old, I only catch t.v. when I am brushing my teeth.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Working For The Weekend
Has anybody been watching Gallery Girls. I am embarassed to say I've watched two episodes. Goodness those are some terrible young women. I hope they are not representative of most young women. However, I've known a few from New York and I have reason to believe there is some truth there. That being said, Big Rich Texas was in no way no how representative of Dallas.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Back to Reality
There was something about it that felt peaceful and safe. Being there, I was finally able to let my mom go . . . that is, I finally let her rest in peace. My counselor tells me this means that she will come back to me now. And I do have to say, there has been a peace and a happiness and a lightness about me I haven't known for a long time.
Monday, August 6, 2012
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Really? Again.
OH THE IRRITABILITY. (On the other hand, it's not too much to ask that all the laundry - the socks, the underwear, the pants the swimsuits and the sweatshirts don't all go in the same drawer. I think most people have a reasonable expectation, and expedite in practice, the theory that separate items of clothing belong in separate drawers.)
My poor family. There is nothing NOTHING they can say to me right now that is going to be a reasonable statement, comment, or question. Because my hair looks terrible and I am very tired. Ten hours just doesn't cut it anymore. Also I want to petition right now that synchronized diving is no longer an olympic sport. If that can be an olympic sport then so can Zumba.
And my poor son. Never in his eleven years has he ever once been prepared for school or summer camp the night before. But today, for the first time ever, I snapped at him about it. (That being said, it's good to know he can be scared of me. That could come in handy in a few years.)
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Party On
I am fairly confident, however, that the music will be the same.
I wish I could tell you the theme but all my friends are so excited about the theme that they have been googling the theme and getting stuff to share at the party. And we can't have them finding this blog, as herein we have discussed that at least one of them needs rehab. And after much discussion with my counselor, it is not my place to intervene. However, I can provide very small wine glasses. Or, in reality, normal size wine glasses it's just at some point everybody I know started serving wine in water goblets so we could all say, "Oh I just had two glasses." Two glasses that hold one bottle of wine. Because if you actually look in the wine glass section at Crate and Barrel you wonder when they started selling glass thimbles.
Anyway, this was all just a big excuse to buy a pair of earrings and I couldn't justify the earrings unless I had a place to where them, and I wasn't going to come across that place unless I created it myself. So, a pair of $35 earrings and here we are . . .
Monday, July 23, 2012
No Piggies
If only I had my camera. I promise that when I upgrade my phone on August 18th I will use said phone to record these things. (Did I tell you my Nikon digital just died. Just one day died. May it rest in peace. I liked my Cannon digital better anyway. And my phone and the camera thereon is on its last legs, having nothing to do with the fact that for the past two years I have dropped it at least once daily because the ergonomics of carrying a chai and a cell phone in the same hand while opening a door are not great.)
I will also record my weekend trips. You know I am not a Rocky Mountain person.
I am madly in love with Steamboat Springs. It is perfect. There is a paved bike trail along the Yampa River, a waterfall hike, usually a hot air balloon taking off by the tennis center, and fairly decent Tex-Mex. And do you know what I totally love about it - it is completely unpretentious. This coming from me who never minded a little pretention (as in Dallas pretention, not I am cooler than you because I am outfitted for mountain climbing at a moments notice pretention). Anyway, everybody is welcome and everybody is friendly in Steamboat Springs. (Except apparently for me who cannot abide by blonde old ladies wearing pigtails. But come on. That's just icky. That's icky like the word panties or that scum that Robert Irvine is always finding in the places on Restaurant Impossible.)
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Defies Belief
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Dear Nordstrom Personal Shopper
2. Never say, "Sorry my breath smells like peanut butter." Just carry mints.
3. When I ask in advance to see three specific things, I would like, at some point during that appointment, for you to show me those three things.
4. Fake your approval when I tell you I want Frye cowboy boots, not riding boots. Asking me why in disgust is not appropriate, and then brining me riding boots anyway is just annoying.
5. When the sales associate next to you tells me that you should pre-sale the items to me so I can get double Nordstrom points, you don't act put out and say, "You have enough points already."
I returned the items I got that day. Nordstrom I expect better. I am inclined to go back to the Mother Ship. (Neimans)
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Living large is fun, only then its not. Then it is the same story every time.
But is it my role to say something?
Shouldn't her husband be stepping up?
At some point don't you have a responsibility to yourself and your children?
Monday, July 9, 2012
I Have Seen the Crystal Light
Anyway, things are much better these days. One Starbucks I know just took a giant hit on their bottom line, but on the other hand I would buy stock in Crystal Light Pure if I were you.
I'm fairly certain this has a lot to do with the tamoxifen. You know what would make me feel even better? A puppy. Y'all. There is this sweet little french bulldog at the french bulldog rescue page that, according to her story, was given C-Sections with a craft knife at her former home, yet she is still so sweet at her foster home that when another puppy takes her Snausage she just politely asks for another one. Someone in the blog world has to adopt this dog. Her name is Lilac. You could call her Lila.
Well At Least We Know Who To Blame
But then it did rain the weekend of the festival. The very expensive festival where The Franchise had a booth. It rained so hard that there was a river going through our booth and our pans floated down the street. They shut down the festival early. And none of the vendors expected to break even - this being a big festival,the entrance fee was outrageous.
And I am fine, but I got in an accident in my husband's truck.
Clearly you know whose fault this is. George W. Bush. Anyway, I remember once them saying that with global warming that Aspen was going to become the temperature of Texas. Well guess what. The fires and the floods and the heat. The Gods are angry my friends.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Burning Down the House
As much as I prefer a big blue Texas sky or a Carolina beach (or, really, the entire South) to these dry red mountains, it makes me sad that they are on fire. We have friends who have been evacuated, and places we know and visit and hike have burned.
I don't think it is helping my headaches, but at least our house isn't in the line of fire, so I can't complain. I am not going to complain here about the migraine I worked through today. Nope. I'm just sayin'.
Everyone is staying inside to stay out of the smoke. I am watching a new Chopped where all the chefs are from New Orleans. New Orleans natives are lovely, aren't they? And while we are on the topic of the Food Network, is everyone else on board with the hipster winning Food Network Star? Love the hipster. I forget. What did people watch before Food Network?
Monday, June 25, 2012
No Thanks I Have A Headache
Perhaps I just require sweet tea and "yes ma'am" to feel well.
The fact remains we have to live here for the next ten years minus three month and here gives me a headache. A constant, sicky headache that no amount of Kate Spade sale on sale can solve. Trust me. I tried.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
The Primary Flaw with Fifty Shades of Grey
Because The Other Book Club girls are so excited about this book and are already discussing it ahead of schedule, I figured we would actually be discussing said book on book club night and I made a promise to myself to read it.
I got to page 400 on the plane back from vacation. My friend can't wait to lend me books 2 and 3. No. Please No.
Because SERIOUSLY. Did you note the part about where she was dressing for her date and she used a comb to put up one side of her hair. GIVE YOUR READERS SOME CREDIT. No woman since the mid-70's has used a comb to decorate/hold up her hair. And then you think well, hey, wait a minute. Maybe the book takes place in the 70's. But no. The main characters converse via email in parts of the book.
And also I feel a bit wierded out by the fact that so many people are so excited to read about the kneeling and binding and submissive stuff. Do they not have cable? Are their lives more exciting than mine? Am I missing something? Am I normal? Because, frankly, I just don't want to read any more about this woman in the play room. I don't care AT ALL what happend to her in there next. Or what happens to her and him outside of there. I could care less about this book. Someone explain. Obviously I don't get it because I have used shouting caps and italics to try to describe my confusion here in this post.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Mmmmm Savannah
I Want To Ride My Bicycle
How much fun is riding a bike? I had a blast and now I want a bike when I go back home. Except back home there are helmet laws. It is also hotter back home than it is here in the South (stupid Rocky Mountains) (OH AND ALSO ON FIRE) and I imagine once I attempt to undertake said activity with a helmet I will no longer be a fan. It's not vanity. I even really like hats. It's just that I don't like to exercise while wearing headgear.
Anyway, here in South Carolina where you can be stupid if you want to, I am loving cruising around on a bike, the wind in my hair and the purses lurking in the ponds.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Shoes! Glorious Shoes!
Reverse Calamari
Thursday, June 7, 2012
If You Can Make It There (And Back)
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Happy Place
Friday, June 1, 2012
Working for the Weekend
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Civilization Has Arrived
Friday, May 25, 2012
Book Club
Thursday, May 24, 2012
I'll Take It
Monday, May 21, 2012
Friday, May 18, 2012
Step on This
Monday, May 14, 2012
No Slothing
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Do We Offend?
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Humbled, Honored, Forever In Debt
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Cry or Reboot
Monday, April 30, 2012
New Fangled Google, What?
Sunday, April 22, 2012
What Could Go Wrong?
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Sick Day
Y'all. I rarely call a sick day, yet here we are. Not feeling too creative, I decided to post this picture. From Christmas. For two reasons.
First, I guess I kind of misled you about the rest of my house not being girly.
Second, look what is on t.v. If I ever forget when I took this picture, I can just look at the t.v. and know.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Friday, April 13, 2012
The Great Puppy Standoff That Appears to be Lasting Forever
Given that I will be taking away the possibility that I will ever again have child, the LEAST my husband could do is let me have a puppy.
Yet here we are. Puppyless. Because my husband hates puppies.
I am not, by nature, a brow-beater or a nag. Yet here I have nagged and begged and won't let it go. And he won't budge.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
When Kids Tweet
First of all, there is no expectation of privacy if you are twitting all over the planet using your real name. So. I feel like I can call her on this without the drama that ensued when I found her myspace page. Although, still, there - NO EXPECTATION OF PRIVACY.
She was all mad and accused me of snooping when we discussed the myspace page. Excuse me. You take a desk job and sit there for eight plus hours without getting a little bit distracted at around 3:45 each afternoon and then begin googling people you know. Or pictures of puppies. I'm just saying. If I didn't have a job, I am sure I would not be so in the know about the social media forums of our children.
If I call her on this (because it's some fake drama about her family - mostly her mom's side - but still disrespectful and wrong), the twit site would go down and we would lose some of the clues we have about what is going on in her life. And, as noted, it's really only mean things about her mom. But if I know that some of the drama is fake, is it all fake?
Thank God the youngest child in the house is a boy. So much less drama.
Monday, April 9, 2012
My Magic Bag

As things are going well at the place of employ, I felt like assuming a bit more of a professional handbag. See to the left. Amazing, huh? It is the perfect color to wear with gold or silver. And it holds all these things in nice little separate compartments:
My driving glasses, in their case
My sunglasses, in their case
My iPad
My work phone
My personal phone
My makeup bag
My big overstuffed wallet
My Sirius radio
My set of keys fit for a janitor
And it all tucks under my arm. Praise be the Coach Jayden.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Happy Hour(s)
Monday, April 2, 2012
Getting Away With Something
Friday, March 30, 2012
Here's My Checkbook. You Can Just Fill It Out.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
A Day in Tsubo
I first saw these on a girl who I worked with at the nonprofit and I thought they were cute. Of course, she was the type that could wear athletic clothes on casual Fridays and look cute, whereas if I wore my lulu lemon hoodie to the office I would just look like an idiot.
I thought the shoes were so cute that I googled them and then I learned that they were designed for comfort. So I immediately hated them. Who wears comfortable shoes?
Well I will tell you who. Someone who spent an entire morning mopping a restaurant floor in career heels before she went to her lawyer job and someone whose two big toenails fell off after running in her son's shoes by mistake. What? TMI?
So I broke down and bought a pair of these comfortable shoes out of desperation and reminding myself that I once thought that they were cute before I knew they were suppose to be comfortable.
My feet are such wreck that I cannot tell you my feet felt great in these shoes, but I really did not even notice I was wearing heels. And I suspect if my sad two job runners feet were normal feet, these would be perfect. In other words, I approve.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Love This One
The boy keeping himself occupied with the iPad camera while his mom shops for a new grown up bag (i.e. not Kate Spade. Although I must admit, that astro turf shopper is so cool.)
And Then The Thrill Wore Off
Ahhhhh! Without having to get anybody out the door, this meant I could sleep until 7:00. Bliss. A full night's sleep. It has been weeks and weeks on end since I have had (1) a full night's sleep, or (2) not seen 5 on clock.
At 5:45 a.m. our morning person for the store called in sick. I so very very much wanted that full night's rest and easy morning. I NEEDED IT FOR MY SANITY. Oh well.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
My What a Nice Coffee Machine You Have
Don't hate me because my coffee machine is beautiful.
The coffee business is picking up slowly. Our coffee is really, really good. Right now I open at 6:30 but we probably only serve a handful of coffees before I leave to go to my law job. We certainly don't sell enough to pay overhead during that time, but we also can't start a morning coffee business reputation if we aren't open.
Things slowed down considerably altogether after our first week honeymoon. I had planned to purchase a grownup purse this evening (i.e. not a Kate Spade) but I think I had better wait.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Remember after the 80s fizzled and everyone went monochrome black and wore understated jewelry. boo.
I fear we are headed back there after all the neon this season - sooner or later the general public is going to say, "If I see one more neon yellow accessory, I am going to just start buying all black." Hear me now and remind me how I right I was later - Vogue's September Issue is going to be all about black. But until then, and after then if you are like me and live in a place where nobody cares what it says in Vogue or if you wear your pajamas to the Safeway at 3 in the afternoon, I dare you to go to and not fall in love with something in your favorite color.
My favorite color is not, actually, pink, and it would never occur to me to accessorize with a feather or something that looks like a pastie, but darn if I don't want these. In pink and in blue and in white and in yellow and in green. Go forth bloggy friend and play on Kendra Scott. You shall have fun. Plus, girlfriend is a Texan. Also, having lived in Dallas, and having returned to Dallas from time to time, I want to apologize on behalf of my fair city for inflicting upon you Big Rich Texas. I know not of where one digs up such scanks.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Y'all have seen this before - my favorite nook. It's the kitchen window with the angel my friend Cheryl gave me after my mom passed away, the picture of Tahiti where we stayed the first night of our honeymoon, and you can barely see them, but also all the origami butterflies that my son made me that go up the wall. I love standing there at the kitchen sink and watching the world go by on the Parkway.
My other favorite nook? Our store in the morning. I love being near my restaurant quality espresso machine, having sunrise light up the store, listening to our Manager's Eagle music on the stereo, and greeting the area's residents when they come in to try out our coffee. It's just beautiful.
So, you ask, why is there not a picture of that store nook? Because we're not at the store! What? It's true. Of course we are watching it on our iPads. But we decided to trust our closer for one night. Oh, we'll be there tomorrow, but for now it's family night. Chicken drumsticks and Arrested Development. Also, frozen treats don't sell we'll when the temp is near freezing. The store is very quiet today. However. We got invited to be a vendor this summer at the city's biggest arts festival.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Whoop here it is
It's like having a new baby.
The first day our drain stopped up and the production person was late. By Friday night I stood in the kitchen and cried, just out of pure exhaustion. By Saturday, my husband and I were able to step away to dinner. We can watch our store from cameras that feed to our iPads. We watched the monitor all through dinner.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Open! Open! Open!
But most importantly, today is my son's birthday. Happy birthday Sunshine.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Grand Opening
Thank God. I don't think anybody at my house has had a full night's sleep or three meals in quite some time. I'm not fooling myself - there are going to be extra hard weeks ahead after open, but it has to settle into some kind of system, yes? Yes. We're just going to go with yes.
We open on my son's birthday.
Thank God. Because I haven't had time to shop or plan a birthday. However, he has an entire store full of treats to choose from and call his own.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
In The Gutter
Does anybody else have this problem? It all gets used up at work. My family will try to hold a conversation with me at night and I won't even understand what they are saying. Also, since when did they all start eating so loudly and while they were talking?
This is going to be a problem since tomorrow night is new employee training at the store and lets not forget also bowling for team building starting at 8:00, also known as my almost bedtime.
However, tomorrow between 5:30 a.m. and 5:45 a.m. I will have figured out the entire Federal Acquisition Regulation system. What I am saying is that it is all downhill from there, finally ending up in the gutter.
The Butterfly Effect from a Bow Tie
He also likes to wear blazers and bow ties. Every day. To school. I was thinking this would be like when he was two and wouldn't leave the house without a bib. Was that a fight worth having? No. And after about two weeks that phase was over.
So I thought maybe the bow tie phase would last two weeks. It has lasted months. Last night when we were at crewcuts because my son wanted to shop, he tried on pants and tucked his shirt way down flat into them. I told him that wasn't how it was done and he said that it was just the nerd in him shining through.
I asked him why he thought he was a nerd and he said it was because his dad said that. Being a mother is hard. I wonder if we would be here if I had said no to the bow tie - if I had insisted on jeans and hoodies. It's just a bow tie. But it's a bow tie. On a ten year old. Every day.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Bowling. Ewww.
Oh where to begin where to begin.
A. team building
B. bowling
C. Do you know what I would do with a spare hour in my life right now? Not Bowl.
Because do you know what I would do if my employer said we are go bowling to do some team building? Hate them.
It's interesting working with your spouse. Especially the lists of daily tasks that get assigned to you via spreadsheet. I have to draw the line at bowling though.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
Wait. No. That does defy logic.
Only Time Will Tell
However . . .
You may recall this story. The weekend before the interview my ex-husband and his girlfriend took my son to a wedding in Omaha. I requested of ex-husband just one thing - that he bring son to interview clean and rested. Son was so tired that he made a bed out of the chairs in the admissions office waiting room.
So our chances are not feeling good. I know one psychologist who works with the schools who tells me that the school has already notified their choices and the notificaiton email is for the rest of us. I have had another school counselor tell me, in all honesty, that it wasn't good that he made a bed in the admissions office. I am very nervous.
If he doesn't make it into this normal school, our options are this alternative school he is already in or our local public school which was given a grade of D on an A to F scale by the agency that ranks them. Extreme clock watching today my blog friends. Extreme clock watching.
Friday, February 24, 2012
I'm Short!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Today, Oh Today
I'm a bit of a grump today. I dislike February 14th through March 18th. (After dinner on Valentine's Day from until 4 days after my son was born, my mom got really sick and never recovered. It was 11 years ago, yes, but you know how certain times of the year can do that to you.) I am tired of cold weather and gloves and scraping the car and painfully dry air. I have any overwhelming number of things to do. My house looks like a Hoarders after shot (you know, still not great but at least not imminently in danger of a condemnation). And everybody is bothering me.
I just cannot wait for that time tonight when we declare it done and crawl into bed and watch a show. We are in the middle of the first season of Californication. Also, I feel like I misled you about Portlandia. I thought the first two episodes were so good. Then they got okay. Now I find it unbearable. We are about 6 shows into Californication and it is way, way more cleaver.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Love Hurts
Despite what the rest of the reviews say, they do not fit small. These are the most painful shoes I own. I know what you are thinking. You are thinking, "Why do you not buy these shoes at the store instead of online?" Oh we may have a Nordstrom here, but it is the smallest Nordstrom ever.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Nothing To See Here
Hahahahahaha. As if.
The next day, when the snow stopped, we were able to see what we couldn't see the night before. Miles and miles and miles of nothing. No cliffs. No trees. No Stuckey's. No McDonalds for road fries and strawberry milkshakes. NOTHING. If you ever want to drive between Colorado and Montana, I will save you the trouble because the following is what there is to see: Nothing.
There was this one "town" where we pulled over for gas and the main street consisted of, in addition to the gas station, a middle school, a gun store, a bear taxidermist and a church.
I have said it before, but I say it now with renewed vigor. I NEVER need to see snow again as long as I live. It's terrifying.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Billings or Bust
If you had told me when I was a new law grad getting ready to take the California Bar that ten years later I would be driving to Montana to pick up restaurant equipment, I would not have believed you. Yet here we are.
But first off to spend a day at my law job that I love. Life is crazy. Good and Crazy.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Employees, Sheesh
Here's the thing about employees though. They are expensive. Even the minimum wage ones, and I don't want to pay anybody minimum wage. Do you know how much we, the itsy bitsy little employer has to pay in taxes for the honor of putting people to works. A. LOT.
Do you know how much product we are going to have to sell to stay afloat.
But I do have to say this - figuring all this out has been very empowering and fun. It's been late nights (well mostly really early mornings as I am a morning person), and what amounts to a second full time job, but it has all been really, really fun.
Monday, February 6, 2012
It's a Tough Job Finding an Average Pastry
On Saturday we endeavoured to try every bakery in the city to identify said pastries. This was fun and also I now feel huge.
The amazing part was the bakeries that sold products we couldn't believe they actually asked money for. This one store known for its beautiful cakes provided us with a cupcake and a muffin that nobody in my family would eat, and nobody in my family is a picky eater.
So it was a fun weekend but also a little bit frustrating. Who knew it could be so hard to find a decent muffin? It's at times like this that I miss Dallas so badly it hurts. The culinary scene in this town is as average as it gets. Also it's dry and cold and I am seriously considering that maybe I need some Patagonia in my wardrobe. It's a weird thing living somewhere where you never feel at home. But I digress. Really the point is we still need pastries.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Snow Day
Do you remember my picture from Monday? If I never see snow again in my entire life, that would be just fine.
Do you know what is delicious? A snow storm that is so big they shut down the schools and the city. One of my favorite things in the whole world is those extra 15 minutes under the covers after you find out it is snow day. Alas then you remember that you are not just a full time lawyer but also a franchise owner and you get your warm self outta bed to shovel. (Don't tell my husband, but I actually like to shovel.)
We are suppose to head to Billings, the one in Montana, to pick up some restaurant equipment this weekend. We shall see.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
To My Fellow Counsel
Yes, we have the cushiest jobs on the planet. To wit, yesterday at 7 p.m. I asked our East Coast outside counsel a question and needed an answer by the next morning. It's okay. I know what we pay them.
However, inside counsel at other entities . . .
You cannot insist that I use your form when you have not correctly identified in that form the law to which the form applies. Further, when you misspell said law, you should at least misspell it consistently. We all make mistakes. I'm just saying. If you are going to insist, then I insist you proofread it. Or at least have your assistant proofread it.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Words of the Semi-Wise Masseuse
The masseuse and I were talking (because I am so not in touch with my inner zen and there is no way I could peace out for AN ENTIRE HOUR ARE YOU KIDDING ME) and I was asking her what might cause said knot. She looked over at my heap of clothes and accessories in the corner of the room and said, "your fabulous over-sized handbags."
Do you hear what I hear? She is saying I need some new handbags.
She also said that my high heels are bad for my back. Now that's just crazy talk. Those masseuses can get a little loopy. Have you ever tried to walk in flats? Impossible.
Monday, January 30, 2012
The Difference of a Year
A tough day at the office. Seriously, I am working. Well at this very moment I am blogging. But this is where I am practicing law today. Oh what a difference a year can make.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Grand Opening Countdown
Our house is knee deep in restaurant equipment that can't yet be stored in the construction zone of our store. We hired our manager away from a celebrity chef. We are getting job applicants and we haven't even posted yet.
I am thrilled and worried and overwhelmed all at the same time.
The best part - one of our required pieces of equipment is an espresso machine (that is worth more than both my and my husband's car put together). We own our own restaurant grade (palace grade) espresso machine. Really what else is there now to attain in life? Sadly, we cannot test run this at our house because it requires special plumbing. Also, the Franchise mother ship would not let me order it in orange (orange not being one of the corporate approved colors for the store) so it is just black. Perhaps I shall call it the Death Star. Actually I have never watched Star Wars so I don't know if that's a bad omen. The point is that it is huge and means business.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Running to Portlandia
Is A Navy Closed Toe Shoe Too Much To Ask
First, it's hard to find a pair without that HUGE double T logo that - I'm sorry - looks like a swastika. Did nobody in the logo focus group raise their hand and say, "We are making a big mistake here with this logo." I guess not. Anyway, despite the fact that I love her shoes (and bags) half the product line is out of the question given that terrible logo. I just can't get past it.
Second, I am between a 5.5 and a 6 in her shoes. They don't fit me. So it is with deep regret that I send a pair back today. I thought by some miracle that buying a pair in a different material would make a difference, alas no. Obviously I do realize how obnoxious it is that this is my biggest problem for the day. But you try and find navy closed toe career shoes. (It's snows here. And I don't have a driver. Open toe shoes out of question.)
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Timing is Everything
Monday, January 23, 2012
Too Much For Ten
It would take something incredibly egregious for me to believe that my son not living with his father 50% of the time was the right thing to do.
I am quite sure that The Girlfriend is a bad situation. She's caustic and sarcastic and generally unpleasant. I can understand where my son is coming from because still, after 6 years, this woman will not look me in the eye to say hello. We have had one conversation, about 5 years ago, that ended with her throwing a fit (yelling loudly) at me in front of my son's head of school. We have not exchanged a word since - not for lack of my trying. Like I said, she won't acknowledge me. So I imagine someone who can act like that is a bear to live with.
My ex-husband gets iPads from his work, so he gave our son his old iPad. Except he forgot to erase some messages on it. My son brought it to me last night with his eyes wide and on the verge of tears. He found a message from his dad intended for The Girlfriend where he is very angry with The Girlfriend. My son, being the incredibly self-aware little 10 year old that he is, claimed he was upset about it because now he had even less understanding of why his dad kept The Girlfriend. This is all too much for a ten year old.
And what do you do here? The parent in this situaiton is fine - but the other? Not so okay. As my son pointed out, things only get worse if you try to bring this up to either of them.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Take Me Back
Everyone I know is over winter now. Why don't we live in the Keys? Because really, you can have snow, slush, mittens, bloody noses and dry flaky skin . . . or you could have this.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Early Bird
That being said, my alarm had been set for 6:30 for most of these past years and I found it hard to get up. Once I was up, I was fine. But I always wanted a little bit more snooze.
Because I have been so knocked out by this year's flu, getting things done in the morning has been more important than ever. I am certainly not getting anything done after noon. So I have set my alarm for earlier - 5:30 a.m. And do you know what? That's my set point. I pop right out of bed without wanting to hit snooze, awake and ready to go. I sleep great through the night.
Of course, I am in bed and asleep by 9:00. But after all these years I found my perfect awake time. It is a little disturbing that it is 5:30, yet here we are. Morning people are uncool. Night owls are cool. Night people are edgy and know about any good new t.v. Morning people include Martha Stewart, a 5 o'clocker. Oh well. I am what I am.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Franchisee University
1. He was talking to someone from the Mother Ship who said he was hired to figure out why the franchisees aren't making any money. Super.
2. One of the franchisees was asking during one of the sessions about what sizes of products we offer. Huh. Just an interesting question at this stage of the game. Perhaps the question in this item 2 causes the result in item 1? Let's go with that.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Three Weeks
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Read This
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Rock Star Things
Three things I couldn't live without right now:
1. My Kendra Scott cuff. On sale at Nordstrom. Makes me feel like a rock star.
2. Safeway brand Theraflu in berry green tea flavor. Also makes me feel like a rock star. Stupid flu.
3. Immersion blender. My son thinks I am a rock star because I froth his Swiss Miss.
Step On This
Monday, January 9, 2012
Checking You Out
Here are two of the dolphins checking out the humans. They swim right up when you approach the pod. The Dolphin Research Center really does seem like a lovely place for the dolphins to spend their life.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Up All Night, The Reality Show
3:30 a.m.
Dear Mom,
if you wake up and my voice is lost again,
it isn't now. I coughed up a gigantic wad of nosegoop
and my voice is fine. 3 catches:
1 ears a' poppin' occasionally
2 my voice is 2Hz higher
3 I don't feel great
I wish you were awake to hear my beautiful voice
enfermo nino
PS penguin says hello
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
The Year of The Bug
I sweat like crazy last night, so I was hoping it was the buggies making their grand exit, but here I sit, slowly trying to sip an almond milk latte and my intestines are going ARE YOU FRIGGIN' CRAZY. It has been far too long since I have eaten and as a result of this vicious cycle I am still looking at a Christmas tree and a house that is a disaster.
Anyway, Happy New Year. For me, I am hoping to start the New Year later this week when my son and I head to The Keys. His big Christmas present this year was that I arranged for him to be a dolphin trainer for a day.