I'm guessing that I am not supposed to get ideas from the Discovery Channel's Freaky Eaters show. Yet here we are.
All liquids except for dinner! Do you have any idea how many yummy liquid things there are to eat? I do.
I do this to myself whenever I feel like things might be a wee little bit out of control. For example, like right now when I have to do a 50 state legal survey by yesterday and we are opening a freakin' franchise in our spare time.
You don't have to worry about me being anorexic or anything. For example, Godiva makes a fine milkshake. Totally on the liquids only plan. And every morning I make this spinach smoothie with blueberries and fish oil. YUM. I just pick something to control about my food. I don't otherwise restrict my food. I thereby create a sense of tranquility and all is right with the world.
Also, I may have single-handedly put my therapist's daughter through university.
Well, I don't know about the spinach and fish oil, but I am making Toasted Marshmallow Milkshakes for the 4th..hmm...wonder if that would work on a liquid diet? :)