The Franchise opens in one month!
Our house is knee deep in restaurant equipment that can't yet be stored in the construction zone of our store. We hired our manager away from a celebrity chef. We are getting job applicants and we haven't even posted yet.
I am thrilled and worried and overwhelmed all at the same time.
The best part - one of our required pieces of equipment is an espresso machine (that is worth more than both my and my husband's car put together). We own our own restaurant grade (palace grade) espresso machine. Really what else is there now to attain in life? Sadly, we cannot test run this at our house because it requires special plumbing. Also, the Franchise mother ship would not let me order it in orange (orange not being one of the corporate approved colors for the store) so it is just black. Perhaps I shall call it the Death Star. Actually I have never watched Star Wars so I don't know if that's a bad omen. The point is that it is huge and means business.
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