Remember after the 80s fizzled and everyone went monochrome black and wore understated jewelry. boo.
I fear we are headed back there after all the neon this season - sooner or later the general public is going to say, "If I see one more neon yellow accessory, I am going to just start buying all black." Hear me now and remind me how I right I was later - Vogue's September Issue is going to be all about black. But until then, and after then if you are like me and live in a place where nobody cares what it says in Vogue or if you wear your pajamas to the Safeway at 3 in the afternoon, I dare you to go to kendrascott.com and not fall in love with something in your favorite color.
My favorite color is not, actually, pink, and it would never occur to me to accessorize with a feather or something that looks like a pastie, but darn if I don't want these. In pink and in blue and in white and in yellow and in green. Go forth bloggy friend and play on Kendra Scott. You shall have fun. Plus, girlfriend is a Texan. Also, having lived in Dallas, and having returned to Dallas from time to time, I want to apologize on behalf of my fair city for inflicting upon you Big Rich Texas. I know not of where one digs up such scanks.
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