There are some places I won't go in this blog. My extended family is generally off limits, although this pains me greatly to say given the availability of rich material. Let me just say that they are quite religious and quite Republican. (Note to husband, the point here is about my son, not the extended family.)
Last summer, we were at Family Beach Vacation in Marathon Key. On the last day, my son was telling his step-grandma about his school project on Buddha. Remember, he goes to an alternative learning school where they can study whatever they want. I was quite proud of his ability to recite the 7 Noble Truths. I heard him telling his step-grandma about this and left them to their conversation.
Later that day, at the airport, my son wasn't acting like himself so I asked him what was wrong. He asked me if he was going to hell. I, of course, asked him why. He said that his step-grandma had said that if you worship false gods, you will go to hell. I don't know whether it is more correct to say that I went bat shit or ape shit, but let's just say that I was not happy.
I spent the next couple of days trying to convince my son that he was not going to hell and that he was correct and so clever for knowing that Buddha is not even a god. And, anyway, as far as his dad and I were concerned, he could believe in and study whatever he wanted.
My son asked questions about religion and philosophies for a few more days. Other than insisting that we visit a stupa, he pretty much forgot about the topic and we never heard another word about it.
Until, that is, my husband's mother and grandmother arrived for Thanksgiving. They were all seated at the table with my son waiting to be served. My son is such a little shit. All of a sudden, out of the blue, he said, "So, mom, lets talk about how Buddha is not a false god."
At this point I took him into the bedroom and said, "Dude, no religion or politics at the dinner table." And he said, "You mean, I can't talk about Obama." Oh dear God no. No Obama. You are so going to hell.
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