I got a fantastic statement necklace at The Limited earlier this week for $25. That is the second best $25 I have ever spent. The best $25 I ever spent was for a latte in Bora Bora. Of course, I didn't know (and could not have even imagined) that I was ordering a $25 latte, but once I found out, don't you know that I could only then conclude it was the best damn latte ever.
Here are two important lessons: (1) If you happen to be fish-belly white thanks to your Scottish heritage, statement necklaces are a great way to minimize the expanse of blinding white skin when wearing a v-neck; and (2) Don't order the coffee in Bora Bora - unless, of course, you are like me and when it has been at least a week since your last coffee, you find that $25 is an entirely reasonable price for a latte.
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