Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Maybe Xeriscaping Isn't As Ugly As It Really Is

I am not big into gardening (i.e., I do not garden). This is due, in part, to the fact that it is very difficult to grow anything in this dry mountain climate and the fact that the previous owners put down that weed-be-gone tarp over everything.

Here is what I know about that weed-be-gone tarp: (1) It is the perfect environment in which to grow weeds, and (2) It is a pain in the ass to cut through if you want to plant anything.

Because our house is in an area where there is a certain obligation to keep a nice lush garden, and my husband correctly assumed that said nice lush garden was not going to come from me, he hired a landscape guy.

Now my cutesy gingerbread type house is xeriscaped with desert grasses and plants typically found in movie scenes where mobsters have driven people out to the desert to dig their own graves.

Now that I am not practicing law, I have decided to tackle the yard. Fifteen minutes every day. You can do anything for fifteen minutes, right? The yard is starting to looking spiffy all weeded and I am getting inspired. One by one, fifteen minutes at a time, I will dig up the desert plants in our yard and plant real stuff. Oh yes I will.

Until yesterday when I was out doing my fifteen minutes of time and two MICE ran in front of my feet. I honestly thought it was going to be spider or a snake that would end up doing me in. I never expected the mice. So that's it. I'm done. No more gardening ever. We are the ones with the gingerbread house with the cactus landscaping.


  1. Did you quit your job?!? I seem to have missed something!

    I dont get into the garden either cuz I cant stand the bugs etc...no doubt the one snake in history would be what I grab when pruning roses or something!

  2. I LOVE to garden. Our new apartment is in a house with a yard that has been neglected. I've been spending a full weekend day each week out there since we moved in. I've still got lots more to do, but the other day a stranger walked by and said, "You've got the best looking yard on the street". Progress!!

    Keep the desert plants. First, they've beautiful! And second, it'll take so much care (and water!) to grow non-native species.

  3. Patient is the primary need on organizing a garden, if you have a few of it, well go for xeriscaping, its perfect for those who have no time for gardening.
