Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Betty Ford for Eyeliner Abuse

I spent some formative years in Texas. Accordingly, eyeliner is very important to me.

I am also a fan of Sea of Shoes, another blog by a Texas girl (although, technically, now I am a former Texas girl). Sea of shoes is absolutely beautiful and eccentric in the most wonderful way. In a recent post, she linked to another blog, Cupcakes and Cashmere, and although the author is not a Texas girl, I love that blog. It is my absolute favorite right now - I can't explain why even but it just makes me happy.

So Emily over at Cupcakes and Cashmere had a post where she explained how to do the dewy makeup look.

For some reason I trust this Emily person and she doesn't seem at all preachy or pretentious even though she is beautiful and just won some big fashion blog award. I followed her instructions exactly for the dewy look even though it didn't involve eyeliner. And I loved it! At first, leaving the house, I felt a lot like what people must feel like their first day of rehab - lost, alone, jittery. I was out alone in the world without my eyeliner.

I look different. I can't tell if I look really good and I am just not used to seeing myself without eyeliner, or if I look like hell. But its a look, and I actually think I really do look better. And my blush stays on all day. Thank you Emily at Cupcakes and Cashmere! Blog love to you.

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