Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Why I Love The Killers, Reason #5712

Shortly after my son turned one, he started talking. He hasn't stopped since. It's been an eight year long monologue. He even talks in his sleep. The monologue has covered everything from snowboarding to cold fusion.

Last Friday, when we were driving up to the mountains, I put Sam's Town in the CD player. About half way into the first song, something seemed strange to me. Then I realized that my son had stopped talking. And he was quiet through the next song and the next song and the next song. Then he asked what CD was playing, and was quiet for a whole other song.

It's a pre-Easter miracle.

Brandon Flowers just keeps on giving.


  1. Oh! Yes! This is the best! When my son was younger the only thing that would console him in the car is Chasing Pavement by Adele! Pure silence in the back seat :O)

  2. I had the same post title on the same day only sub in my mom for the killers.
    and I didn't read yours until AFTER.
    (cue twilight zone music)
    Purposely skipped your Housewives recap b/c i haven't watched it yet. But I totally remember the Kelly song. She is absolutely worthless by the way. And its like she's speaking Dutch. It's almost English...but not quite.
