Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I See the Broad Spectrum Light

As you know, I work in the deep, dark pit of despair. At a meeting last November, my coworkers were talking about how great the build-out of our office is. I was all, "Oh no you don't!" I proceeded to explain just what a terrible color choice charcoal gray is for office walls in spaces where there is no window and only one energy saving neon light tube that is covered by a light fixture that obscures the bulb and only lets light escape back up toward the ceiling. I can only imagine that these fixtures were designed by some sort of mole-people with an aversion to light.

After explaining in glorious detail just how terrible the cubes are (in an attempt to, you know, be helpful) you should have heard the collective gasps from my fellow cube dwellers and saw their collective wide-eyes in response to my office design monologue that I present to our supervisors, which included, unbeknownst to me, the lady who designed the office. They all quickly tried to minimize my gaff by explaining how much they loved their spaces and how their cubes were all just fine. The thanks I get for being the self-appointed voice of the cube people

Anyway, the office designer lady came to me last week and asked if I might like a full spectrum lamp for my cube. Now my cube resembles a deep, dark pit of despair with one square foot of space where one might might grow "herbs" by LED or conduct vigilante interrogations.


  1. Gotta love foot-in-mouth moments.
    However, I literally laughed out loud envisioning your new herb garden. ;)

  2. Aw, how sweet of her. You may have ONE full-spectrum light. But don't you dare ask for two!
